Keren Dali (PI)
Keren Dali is at the Research Methods and Information Science Department, University of Denver (DU). Her research interests are in workplace equity and inclusion; relationships between LIS and social work; disabilities; and reading practices of adults, with the focus on immigrant and migrant readers. Dr. Dali holds several research, leadership, and service awards, including the inaugural ALISE/Connie Van Fleet Award for Research Excellence in Public Library Services to Adults, the ALA David Cohen/EMIERT Multicultural Award, and paper awards from Emerald Publisher. Her research has been funded by the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada, ALA, and DU.
Norda Bell (co-PI)
Norda Bell is Associate Librarian at York University Libraries. She is subject specialist for social work, human rights and equity studies, and linguistics & applied linguistics. Her current research focuses are on diversity, equity, and inclusion and professional development in LIS, and critical information literacy. She also serves as the Book Review Editor for the International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion (IJIDI).
Zach Valdes (co-PI)
Zachary Valdes is Associate Professor and Metadata Management Librarian at Sam Houston State University. He is subject specialist for Mass Communication and Religion, and maintains a research focus on downstream metadata framework enhancements, script-automated institutional holdings cross-analyses, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. He also serves as a Managing Editor for International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion (IJIDI).
Jaylyn McCoy (website developer)
Jaylyn McCoy is a second-year Masters of Library and Information Science candidate at the University of Denver. Her interests are technical services, web content management, and social justice. She serves as the Vice President of the Accessibility Advocacy Group and Community Relations Liaison for the ALA student chapter. She is set to graduate in June 2022 with an eye towards increasing access for all and social justice within the library.
Julia Dunford (website developer)
Julia Dunford is a first-year MLIS Student with a B.A. in Digital Media and Video Production from Marymount Manhattan College. Her studies and professional experience includes working with augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), 360° filmmaking, sound design, and digitization. She currently works as a Digital Collections Technician at University of Denver's Anderson Academic Commons. She has a keen interest in researching and using new/interactive media and technology in the fields of library and information science and archives.
Tanner King (workshop developer)
Tanner King is a first year MLIS student at The University of Denver. He has spent most of his career thus far in public education and is entering the world of LIS with an interest in using education and technology to help build a better community. Having lived in South Korea for two years and having been to 12 countries in total, he has been exposed to a wide variety of ideas that helps him keep a diversity-oriented mindset in all of his professional and personal pursuits.